7. I walked up with the ball stuck to my pants, and the guy was like, "No-no-no."
I was expecting that.
Please forward this email to anyone you think may enjoy it. This week, there are photos of cats, so perhaps play into that with your recommendation, I dunno?
Anyway, THANKS!
This week I learned I’m a very particular kind of person.
I won’t try a new podcast because I read reports of how great it is. Even when I hear many reports. Consistently, from people I trust.
No, what makes me decide to give it a try is when I read a thing about how the team behind it works.
(Mission to Zyxx is the podcast I’m referring to.)
(It’s good.)
I truly love the productivity-porn of “how I get things done”, “how I start the day”, “my productivity hacks”. I used to read a lot of Lifehacker, that’s for sure.
So I got pretty excited when I saw writer, technologist, developer, agency founder and general awesome dude Paul Ford did an interview on The Setup. There is so, so much in here I’d like to just copy (Pi Hole! Email archive! Emacs! (Hmmm)). This interview took 9 years to come to fruition, well done!
The Setup is just a generally great site that I love (and, weirdly, have appeared in. (RIP Versioning.) Another good interview, on the opposite end of the scale: John McAfee.
Previous good Paul Ford things: What is Code?, Why I Still Love Tech, Anxiety Bot.
Ongoing good Paul Ford thing: Track Changes.
Introducing your new best friends
Meet Molly!
I’m a female-identifying, queer, Art major turned self-taught Software Engineer in Richmond, Va!
I live with 2 feline fur babies named Shishi and Leona and am married to a nice lady named Tricia. When I’m not killing it at work, I like to play pool and socialize with my friends. The LGBTQ+ community is a really big part of my life; I play in a queer sports league called Stonewall Sports and I’ve met many, many awesome people through that league. My team (Mint Condition) is currently losing the majority of our games, but having fun and that’s all that matters! We’re playing Cornhole, Shuffleboard, Darts and Pool. Next season will be Kickball. In the past, we’ve also had seasons of Dodgeball, Bowling, and Volleyball. Stonewall Sports has provided me with a really awesome community of people and we’ve even raised over $45k for different LGBTQ+ organizations in our area in the less than 2 years it’s been around!
Welp, that’s about it. Thanks for putting together this newsletter, it’s pretty neat!
Thanks Molly, below is Leona, and scroll to the end of the email to see Shishi.

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Check Out This Thing
Dr Drang has an iOS Shortcut that reminds him to send out invoices after a set time, which seems like the most useful Shortcut possible, and therefore the most useful link.
Out of Thin Air
Try/Learn This Thing
This week in “keeping light”.
As a former tech publication person, I agree with pretty much everything Chris Coyier says in his advice for devs wanting to do some technical writing.
Go get a job as a Product Designer at Buzzfeed!
The Pretty Big, I Guess, Red Spot
Some Silly Things
Wait But Why? author Tim Urban is doing a new, epic series of posts, tackling, well, everything. So far, it’s great! Previously: Did James make the right Final Jeopardy bet?
Artbreeder mixes and generates new images via (I assume/hope) machine learning, and is freaky and cool.
Fourble turns lists of mp3s into podcasts. Just add Stamps.com.
I don’t care about baseball. I don’t care about baseball cards. But I’ll always get behind a photo of a guy getting hit in the nuts by a baseball.
Finally, check out NASA’s new portrait of Jupiter. TIL the Great Red Spot is getting smaller over time! Poor lil guy…
OK, so as promised, here’s Shishi:

Call to Action
Send this to someone you think may enjoy it, as long as they’re cool. I would love to have more of y’all on the team. No haters.
And then also send me an email telling me more about yourself and your deal! More bios, please. More cats, preferably.